The shepherd’s job is to feed, water, shelter, nurture, and protect his sheep. In many cases, the shepherd’s goal is not merely to keep the sheep safe and content; it is to prepare them for their life's purpose. How much richer will our experience be, if we cease those moments that we feel called by God to shepherd another. If we see beyond the temporary need for protection and nourishment and seize each occasion as an opportunity to prepare a child or adult not only for life, but for eternity. The Good Shepherd offers opportunities for us to come along side of those needing help and to lift them above the situation. It is unsettling to be caught in worldview when our mission is to keep our existence on our eternal home. If each moment of every day would be viewed in terms of how we are preparing for eternity, instead of what fleeting pleasure this world will offer us. Our spirit echos, how should we use our time differently?
Jesus is not only our Good Shepherd; He was also our sacrificial Lamb. He was never empowered by money or riches. He was never self seeking. He knew how to live in such a way that when death came, He was in complete surrender.
C.A. Bresin