My country tis of Thee, sweet land of liberty of Thee I sing….So today I learned that I should not identify the years as BC or AD. The Christian terminology that we as a country have used all of our lives. I must learn another politically correct term of BCE or CE. This means Before the Common Era or Common Era . Somehow this all strikes me the same as the term INTOLERANT. Wait, I’m intolerant for not being in agreement with the way my country has always valued what it was founded on. It only takes the re-altering of the minds of one generation to erase and replace core values for our new… One World Government. This government does not stand on, In God We Trust. That would not be politically correct. So, as we have chosen to no longer place our values on Gods word. As we have (not so slowly) taken God’s word and Gods name from public view and dismissed them from our public places and public schools. Let us not be surprised, that we no longer stand with the protection of His almighty hand. For a Christian nation does not tolerate the removal of the name of GOD or His standards and still call themselves a Christian nation. As times get tough and we cry out for God to save us from our own destruction. May we realize that He never turned away from us but we have turned our backs on HIM…
1. My country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims' pride,
From ev'ry mountainside
Let freedom ring!
2. My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free,
Thy name I love;
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills;
My heart with rapture thrills,
Like that above.
3. Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees
Sweet freedom's song;
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let all that breathe partake;
Let rocks their silence break,
The sound prolong.
4. Our fathers' God to Thee, Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing.
Long may our land be bright,
With freedom's holy light,
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God our King
Samuel Francis Smith wrote the lyrics to "My Country 'Tis of Thee" in 1831