Photo by: Lynn Johnson
When we
first moved to Pennsylvania, we relocated to a quaint Amish area outside of New
Wilmington. There was not a day that I didn’t find delight in traveling the dirt
roads through the scenic Amish countryside. Their pace was slow in comparison
to the world that surrounded them but full of life’s purpose.
fields were planted with plenty for them and enough to feed the animals that
would forage for their existence. I enjoyed creeping along at the slow pace behind the buggies. I drank in all the quiet splendor of their way of life.
were many days that I would pass as the Amish children were walking along the
country roads. They would be walking on foot to their little one room school
house. There were other days that I would catch a glimpse of them playing tag
in a group ranging in age and height. An older student would sometimes be near
watching them play; as the backdrop of billowing smoke rolled from the
schoolhouse chimney. This stuck me as a scene from yesteryear before our days
became so complicated and cluttered.I learned much from these people. Probably one of the most important lesson was, they were never in a rush.
Maybe the similarity was Jesus. Even when His life was complicated, He never rushed. He embraced people with gentleness, truth, and compassion.
Lord in
the business of my day; teach me to reflect and embrace on the simplicity of your
ways. Let me remember to take a breath, focus on your character, embrace those
around me, and not be in such a rush.
C.A. Bresin
C.A. Bresin