Monday, December 19, 2016

 Our Cups Runneth Over with Love...

I recently visited a hatchery with the prospect of ordering some additional chickens. I was most impressed with an idea that they offered . While placing an order you can add an additional laying hen free of charge. This particular hatchery is basing this transaction on the honor system. Their statement provided the information of the amount that one little hen could provide in eggs to a family in need for one calendar year.  The average number of eggs laid by one hen in a year is 259 eggs.
 Imagine, the impact we could make if we took our giftedness, provided for our own family and extended that gift to one family in need. If an entire church became committed to this concept an unprecedented amount of lives could be impacted  by the blessings of our overflowing bucket of love and kindness towards our fellow man.

What is your field of expertise, passion, or hobby? Take a moment, write it down on a piece of paper and ask God to open the door to whom you should extend your gift from God to. Ask for Him to supply the desire in your heart, to bless your provision and to lovingly extend your hand to whom, He has laid on your heart.

Here is a couple of examples:
A gardener supplies his family with fresh produce and brings and additional basket to church or to neighbor in need.
A mechanic repair's cars for a living, repairs cars for his family and hears of a individual or family who is having car problems and does not have the income to provide maintenance. Here is a perfect opportunity to extend his talents for those in need.

"My Cup Runneth Over" is a quotation from the Hebrew Bible (Psalm 23:5) and means "I have more than enough for my needs"

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You have anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows  (Psalms 23:5 NASB)