It is indelibly marked in my memory, the times we would all stand in line for a drink. We would yell out to see who would get what color of glass. You remember those metal or plastic colorful glasses that came in an array of different colors. The shouts began as we all tried to outdo each other to obtain the most popular color. The repetition repeated itself until the most unwanted color was left.
Time after time, my best friend Sally would shout out the color sky blue pink. We would become exasperated with her unknown choice. Sally would enthusiasticly explain to us that there was such a color. On one particular evening she exclaimed, "See, there it is in the sunset!" Sure enough, we all gazed at the beautiful display of vibrant pinks and blues.
Sally went home to be with our Heavenly Father. She and those happy child hood memories are remembered in each of those sky blue pink sunsets.
Sky Blue Pink
Sky blue pink is just a color
Found upon a sunset
Crystal blue and pink clouds laden
Shimmering with delight
For as you look upon this color
See what you may see
A gift of Gods wisdom
His promise of eternity…
C.A. Bresin
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