As winter approached it truly became a winter wonderland. Living in a wooded area we had wild critters that we had never seen before other than through a picture in a book.
One day we spotted a white fox at the back of our property. It was so white that it truly blended in with the snow. The horses were attentive to any new intruder. The chickens would cackle up a warning that all the neighbors could hear. Next, we heard Lucy let out a honk that we had never heard before. Her wild and muffled honking was carried off into the depths of the wood until we could hear it no more. Later in the day we found some of Lucy's feathers scattered into the woods..
A neighboring horse owner personally knew of a columnist and sent her over to capture our story of Lucy's beginning s and travels on the airplane and heart wrenching capture by a white fox. She entitled it, "Goose on the Loose Tugs at Family Ties." The article gave a wonderful tribute to our beloved goose and the wiley travels of the Bresin's known to many as the Clampit's.
I thought it was a long shot but I had even called our local high school and asked if they would broadcast over the load speaker about the capture of our goose.
I had really given up hope that we would even find any remains of our Lucy , until one morning our phone rang. It was a kind gentleman that lived up on the corner. He told me the story of this goose that came frantically flying out of the woods and seemed to be so tame. His granddaughter and come home from school and told him about the announcement about the goose. Could it possible be, that she had escaped the snares of the white fox that had snatched her to be his mouth watering dinner?
We went to the gentleman's home to find our much loved and now famous Lucy waiting to be taken back to her barnyard of firends.
C.A. Bresin
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