We looked across the darkened horizon as the bright lights approached. The twin engine plane was moving at such a low altitude that we stopped and watched with anticipation. As it passed over head, we could only hear one of the engines and the other was struggling as it resonated with a low grumbling sound. The pilot looked to be approaching a near by private airport within the city limits. His plane faded into the distance and we filed the event into the back of our minds. Without further thought, we returned to the routine of our evening farm chores. It was not until later that night that we heard that the plane had gone down and pilot had been killed. The event played on fast forward through my mind. I wondered, had he cried out to G-d for His infinite help? Did he have the assurance of his eternal destination? We all seem to be focused on the immediate, never anticipating that within a moment, it could be our last flight.
James 414Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.(KJV)
Thanks for your post ~ I've been contemplating myself lately how much time is wasted on things that won't hold any value in eternity.
I can't imagine you would think such a thing. You are so very committed.
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