Thursday, July 9, 2015

On Bended Knee

On Bended Knee
    I often ponder of the vast changes my Grandmother witnessed while walking on this earth. Being raised in the 1800’s and growing up on a farm homesteaded by her father.  She knew that each day contained time, and they used it wisely to provide for their existence. The wood from the trees would build their homes. The wheat was planted, thrashed and sold. The cow was milked and the garden planted and harvested to be canned for their survival. Her mother would spin wool from a spinning wheel and all of their clothing was handmade. Their lighting was by candle or a lantern. They used plow horses for their fields and drove buggies for their transportation. My grandmother saw the first motorized car and many, many years later would fly on a jet airplane.
   I have had a glimmer of what it was like to be without electric. I was glad I had some provision of wood, water, and food to sustain my family during that short week’s time. It’s never been a bad idea to be prepared. I was prepared to play Little House on the Prairie, but grateful when all the conveniences returned.
   I never thought that I would witness the changes that I have seen take place within these past years, months, and days. The Biblical foundation of our country and its beliefs are being washed away. So much has been taken away before my very eyes. These changes echo the words that I read years ago, "If we can change the minds and hearts of one generation, we can change the course of history”. "The Humanist Manifesto"
  With all of this, I still hold dear to the example of this little couple from Sweden that rose early to read their Bible. The sweet memories of the rumblings that were heard by my mother in the stillness of the night; as she peered into the candle lite room to witness her grandfather on bended knee… talking to God.

1 comment:

dbmichael said...

Very wise, Cheryl. The Humanist Manifesto, Satan's words reflected in post-modern days, is chilling. Yes, prepare! Prepare for the days of the Lord!