I remember when I was young and believed everything that I was
told, because why would anyone tell you something that wasn’t true? Well, I’ve
grown up some, and found out that doctors aren’t really God, and the Government
isn’t always for the people, and many people have their own agenda. So, we keep
those closest to us that we find have Godly character and value. We try our best to be a good
example. We stumble and fall and get back up again with the hope of learning a
better way from our mistakes. We keep the treasured knowledge from our
ancestors like a pot of gold held securely to pass onto our future generations.
We walk forward, one step at a time with God right by our side. The wisest advice,
I have ever received is to rise early with God’s word. Love the Lord
your God
with all your heart. Treasure your family, they are the ones who will be
there through thick and thin. Work hard, be diligent, honest, and
kind, but most important is to keep these three in
this exact order.
On Green Ridge
Friday, August 4, 2017
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Your Local Farmer Up Too?
Being surrounded by working farms keeps me connected to my
roots and to the reality of the first phase of the process of where our food is
obtained. We not only are surrounded by milking barns but the countless fields
that it takes to provide for their feed and inevitably our food source. The
corn and soy are planted in the early spring when the farmer can start the
process of plowing and planting his fields after the rains. This year the
fields looked particularly brown before planting time. It seemed different than
other years with an earie death and beelined stillness that harbored the fields.
It’s true that any amount of green that once peeked through the spring soil is
killed before a new crop is planted. There needs to be no competition for the
new seedlings that are trying to thrive along with any outstanding weeds that
may choke out their new existence. It is a process all too common to the farmer
who is constantly looking at his bottom-line and the profit he will make in the
upcoming year.
I really hadn’t given much thought to this yearly ritual,
until I took my morning trek across our back field to feed and water our ducks.
While returning to the house, I became extremely disorientated. My eyes and
lips burned and my survival instincts kicked into high gear. The morning sun
was beginning to pierce its way onto our dew lite pasture. I was wearing a
light jacket and my fuzzy thoughts were that I needed to remove it before I lost
consciousness. No one was home and the reality was it would be some time before
they found me. My thoughts became more hazy and unclear but I kept my usual
path to the house, stopping occasionally to hang onto a fence post. It seemed
like I entered a realm of slow motion as I finally reached the front porch with
a threatening feeling of brain damage. I finally entered the house and spent the
next two weeks in a constant haze.
In what I consider to be my older and wiser years, I have
learned to research before going to a doctor who I know would inevitable order
a vast amount of testing and probably put me on some drugs that would get me
through this event, but have secondary contraindications, that would tax my
organs, and immune system. I have learned to implement plan A which is natural
and homeopathic means first and then follow up if needed with plan B or traditional medicine as a last resort. My instincts
knew that I needed to Detox my body from the poisons that I had ingested from
the high exposure to the neighboring farmers field.
Research was excruciating while trying to navigate with extreme
brain fog, but I was able to locate the diet that I had used previously for
thyroid detox by Dr. K. which I started immediately. A few days later, I made
an appointment with my wonderful Christian Chiropractor realizing the
importance of being in alignment for my body to react properly to the detox
diet and healing that I was about to embark. Next, I scheduled an appointment with
my massage therapist who is a lovely Godly gentle soul with not only gifted
hands from God but an educated gifted mind toward healing the body naturally.
My hour-long session was painful as the toxins were flowing through my body and
I ached from head to toe. She worked on me to release what she could in the
first session and asked me to come back a few days later sending me home with
instructions to soak in a warm- hot bath with 3 cups of Epson Salts for no more
than 20 minutes daily. Between this diet, my daily baths, and my once a month
visit to my chiropractor and message therapist, I am slowly returning to
normal. Life is once again looking exciting and I have a new-found perspective
on keeping my body healthy and eating to
live rather than living to eat.
In perfect timing, my yearly visit to my physician was
right after this event. I explained what had happened, she listened intently not
only what I had lived through, but how I treated this toxic event naturally, but
most importantly, she looked intently at the information I shared about the
practices that the farmers were encouraged to use on our food sources and told
me that I unequivocally needed to go somewhere else during next year’s planting
CONCLUSION: As I drive through the lush green fields of towering
green corn stalks and miles of deep green low-lying fields of soy beans, I can still
see the beauty as I travel the miles of green coverage, but for me they hold a different
meaning that has been devalued over the course of time. It’s seems that little
thought has been taken into consideration that we are slowly poisoning our self
through our air, soil, and through the food chain all for the bottom-line of
the greed funneled through the American farmer that has been given a free pass
through the FDA and our government run Pharmaceuticals at the expense of our health
and existence …
massage therapy,
soy beans,
toxic exposure
Monday, December 19, 2016
Our Cups Runneth Over with Love...
I recently visited a hatchery with the prospect of ordering some additional chickens. I was most impressed with an idea that they offered . While placing an order you can add an additional laying hen free of charge. This particular hatchery is basing this transaction on the honor system. Their statement provided the information of the amount that one little hen could provide in eggs to a family in need for one calendar year. The average number of eggs laid by one hen in a year is 259 eggs.
Imagine, the impact we could make if we took our giftedness, provided for our own family and extended that gift to one family in need. If an entire church became committed to this concept an unprecedented amount of lives could be impacted by the blessings of our overflowing bucket of love and kindness towards our fellow man.
What is your field of expertise, passion, or hobby? Take a moment, write it down on a piece of paper and ask God to open the door to whom you should extend your gift from God to. Ask for Him to supply the desire in your heart, to bless your provision and to lovingly extend your hand to whom, He has laid on your heart.
Here is a couple of examples:
A gardener supplies his family with fresh produce and brings and additional basket to church or to neighbor in need.
A mechanic repair's cars for a living, repairs cars for his family and hears of a individual or family who is having car problems and does not have the income to provide maintenance. Here is a perfect opportunity to extend his talents for those in need.
"My Cup Runneth Over" is a quotation from the Hebrew Bible (Psalm 23:5) and means "I have more than enough for my needs"
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You have anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows (Psalms 23:5 NASB)
I recently visited a hatchery with the prospect of ordering some additional chickens. I was most impressed with an idea that they offered . While placing an order you can add an additional laying hen free of charge. This particular hatchery is basing this transaction on the honor system. Their statement provided the information of the amount that one little hen could provide in eggs to a family in need for one calendar year. The average number of eggs laid by one hen in a year is 259 eggs.
Imagine, the impact we could make if we took our giftedness, provided for our own family and extended that gift to one family in need. If an entire church became committed to this concept an unprecedented amount of lives could be impacted by the blessings of our overflowing bucket of love and kindness towards our fellow man.
What is your field of expertise, passion, or hobby? Take a moment, write it down on a piece of paper and ask God to open the door to whom you should extend your gift from God to. Ask for Him to supply the desire in your heart, to bless your provision and to lovingly extend your hand to whom, He has laid on your heart.
Here is a couple of examples:
A gardener supplies his family with fresh produce and brings and additional basket to church or to neighbor in need.
A mechanic repair's cars for a living, repairs cars for his family and hears of a individual or family who is having car problems and does not have the income to provide maintenance. Here is a perfect opportunity to extend his talents for those in need.
"My Cup Runneth Over" is a quotation from the Hebrew Bible (Psalm 23:5) and means "I have more than enough for my needs"
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You have anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows (Psalms 23:5 NASB)
Monday, November 16, 2015
Washington DC

Yesterday, we went to Washington, DC to celebrate Daisey's 21st birthday. In my sixty-one years on this earth, I have never seen Washington or it's monuments. I ended up in tears as we exited the tunnel and I saw all the homeless people. I had to reassure Zhenya that I was the Queen of Hearts. Daisey had the day planned. She was excited to find some discounted tickets through Groupon for the Spy Museum. Right before we entered, Daisey asked the time and Zhenya flashed his watch. It was 11:11. My heart skipped a beat as I have not wanted to be a part of this scrutinized phenomena. http://www.11phenomenon.com/bible_prophecy_the_11_mystery.html
We had a fun time and then went to a lovely lunch at an Irish Pub. After lunch, David decided that we had time to walk to the White House. The entire walk resonated with the constant sound of emergency sirens and flashing lights. It reminded me of Las Vegas where you can never escape the sound of a slot machine. David pointed out the armed men on top of the buildings. There were police everywhere in uniform and in plain clothes. They didn't hide that they were corresponding with one another as they raised their wrist as if they
were speaking into their watches. This all seemed normal routine but from my vantage point seemed more like an espionage movie. It is quite the land of marvelous brick architecture and history of a Godly country that once stood.
We finally made our way to the Washington Memorial. A large white tent with clear windows sat adjacent. A masculine voice resonated the song, "Mighty to Save". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR8rlTIU8_Y
I walked down the bricked path joining in singing and paused to speak with David. We grabbed hands and prayed that God would elect a Godly President and He would restore our nation to, One Nation Under God. It was a powerful day...
Saturday, August 15, 2015
I Know You Not

Friday, July 24, 2015
Submit - Resist & Flee
This past week I read one of many devotionals. One in particular was stored neatly away in the archives of my mind to be retrieved when God deemed to bring it to fruition. The basis of the topic was that God brings people or topics continually until we acknowledge the point He is trying to make in our lives.
Yesterday, I was waiting at the front of the grocery store for my daughter when a man approached me. I had never met him or seen him before. He smiled graciously and said, Would you mind turning around?" Because of his pleasant demeanor, I decided to play along. My hair was neatly placed in a braid and he began to give it a light tug. I turned around and said, OK with a questioning tone in my voice. He began by telling me that this all correlated with a sermon he heard recently in church. Now, he had my attention! He proceeded with his tale as a young boy reaching for the pigtail of the young girl that sat in front of him in school. He would then place her pigtail under the wooden top of his desk causing her to let out a yell.This of coarse alerted the teacher who would proceed to discipline him by smacking his hands with a ruler. All this didn't seem to deter him from trying this same escapade from time to time. He always received the same reaction from the young girl and his teacher. Alas, he moved away but returned four years later. Upon his arrival, the teacher sat him behind the same pigtailed girl. His absence had not found him to mature in his thinking or his actions. His first thought was, "Here we go again"! Once again, he proceeded to grab hold of her pigtail and shut it in the top of his school desk. Although this time, he received a different response. She ignored him! He tried a few more times but to no avail. As he came to the end of his story, he correlated his rambunctious youth with the sermon he had heard, "The Devils Temptation". He glimmered with one last smile and said,"Just like that girl, we often get better results if we just ignore him and he will flee".
James 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (NIV)
Thursday, July 9, 2015
On Bended Knee
I have had a glimmer of what it was like to be without electric. I was glad I had some provision of wood, water, and food to sustain my family during that short week’s time. It’s never been a bad idea to be prepared. I was prepared to play Little House on the Prairie, but grateful when all the conveniences returned.
I never thought that I would witness the changes that I have seen take place within these past years, months, and days. The Biblical foundation of our country and its beliefs are being washed away. So much has been taken away before my very eyes. These changes echo the words that I read years ago, "If we can change the minds and hearts of one generation, we can change the course of history”. "The Humanist Manifesto"
With all of this, I still hold dear to the example of this little couple from Sweden that rose early to read their Bible. The sweet memories of the rumblings that were heard by my mother in the stillness of the night; as she peered into the candle lite room to witness her grandfather on bended knee… talking to God.
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